9 ways to boost fertility

While getting pregnant may be straightforward for some couples, others face roadblocks in trying to conceive a child even though they've had unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. While health of both partners plays an important role in success rate for conception, many other factors can contribute to infertility. On a positive side, there are enough resources and guidelines available to strengthen fertility for both men and women.

Here are 9 ways that can boost fertility for women.

1. Chart your basal temperature

Charting your cycle to check for ovulation is critical. Your Basal body temperature (BBT) is basically your lowest body temperature. You can use a standard basal body temperature thermometer and record the temperature on a grid, with temperature on the vertical axis and date on the horizontal axis. The rise in temperature shows that you’re ovulating. This way you can note down your ovulation days and use these for having intercourse to boost chances of conception. Measure the BBT early morning before getting out of bed.

2. Maintain a healthy bodyweight

Obesity can cause health complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension that further lower your immunity. Maintain a healthy body mass index ratio by regular physical activity along with a good balanced diet.

3. Use an ovulation calendar

There are various apps that can serve as a fertility calculator. Once you start using one such as an ovulation calendar, you can mark the length of your cycles and ovulation days. This way you can note the pattern of your cycles. The calendar will help you understand your most fertile period and plan for pregnancy.

4. Watch what you eat

A healthy diet often does the magic that medicines cannot. Several studies suggest that vegetable sources help women boost their fertility. Many nutritionists recommend replacing animal sourced food items with vegetables for protein and fat requirement. Also follow a low-carb and increased fiber diet. Avoid smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol completely.

5. Stay hydrated

Water plays a far more important role in your fertility than you might think. Staying hydrated balances your cervical fluid that is necessary for the sperm to swim up to your egg for conception. So, keep those water bottles filled and ready.

6. Cut caffeine

Caffeine is infamous for lowering the chances of pregnancy. You might be addicted to a strong cup of coffee several times a day or just once occasionally. To better your fertility, cut down on your caffeine intake and if possible, avoid it completely.

7. Meet with your ob-gyn

Infertility can occur due to a variety of reasons some of which may often go unnoticed. It is important for you to visit your health counsellor or gynecologist on a regular basis. He or she can help you understand the risk factors and figure out if you are suffering from any complication that is becoming a roadblock for the pregnancy. Timely intervention can thus help correct the issue.

8. Inspect your medicine cabinet

You might be on medicines that come with side effects that lower your fertility. Consult your doctor on medications that you are under and if required, look for alternative medicines or stop the medicines that may be causing the harm. Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines as these are known to affect the ability of the egg to implant on the uterine wall.

9. Load up on vitamins

Research shows that vitamins boost the chances of getting pregnant in women. Not only this, but vitamins also help prevent neural tube birth defects. Your doctor can recommend good over-the-counter vitamin supplements that you can take on a regular basis. Perhaps this way by maintaining an overall positive lifestyle, the harm due to lifestyle factors influencing and lowering fertility can be minimized. As a couple attempting to increase success rate of conception, you must update yourself on the impact of risk factors present in our daily life. Often the influence of several of these factors on your infertility may be reversible. Timely counselling and clinical intervention can thus greatly benefit the couple.